These were all made with Procreate on an iPad with an apple pencil.
Light Creature
Light pens are fun!

Alien Planet
I really like blue.

Abraham Lincoln Riding a Bear (2019)
I don’t really know what this means, I just felt the need to make it.

Bigfoot Does Not Like Having His Picture Taken (2019)
The real question: where does he do his shoe shopping?

Just a Birb (2019)

World’s Greatest Artist? (2018)
I mean, he certainly thinks so.

Chalk Bird!
I tell you what, B. Eagle is not intimidated by this hack.

RIP Grumpy Cat
Still grumpy in heaven.

Jazz Horse
I drew this in honor of this, which always makes me laugh.

Personally I don’t get what the big deal is.

Green Man
Probably murders people with vines?

Who knows where that watch has been

Thinking Woman
I tried more of a cartoon style here, rather than my signature “painted by a third grader” look